AST Plastic Containers UK unlocks efficiency with solar PV system
AST Plastic Containers UK, located in Wrexham, UK, has unpacked a new level of efficiency and sustainability with the Antai mounting kit and balance of system components supplied by Rubicon.
AST Plastic Containers took the initiative to offset their energy usage with an optimised solar PV installation across two of their sites. With zero capital expenditure for AST, the two systems will collectively generate approximately 961,120kWh of electricity per annum, offsetting 28% of AST’s imported power. This initiative will also save 185 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to planting 8,537 trees.
By purchasing electricity from the Solar PV system at a significantly reduced rate compared to grid-tied electricity, AST has effectively hedged against energy inflation. Additionally, they have minimised their exposure to the volatility of the energy market by securing a fixed price for the next 25 years.
Installation & Commissioning: Harvest Green Developments
PPA: Iguana Energy Group has completed a 25-year Lease & Power Purchase Agreement with AST.
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